CG BOARD 10TH ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT || NOVEMBER ASSIGNMENT PDF 2021 || HC WRITING Class 10th November assignment के उत्तर कहां से मिलेंगे: दे...
Class 10th November assignment के उत्तर कहां से मिलेंगे:
देखिए बच्चों आपको कक्षा 10 वीं 12वीं के असाइनमेंट के सभी उत्तर आपको इसी आर्टिकल में मिल जाएंगे । नीचे आपको सभी विषयों के असाइनमेंट के आंसर मिल जाएंगे। इसी पोस्ट में आपको नीचे अपने सब्जेक्ट चुनने हैं और उसी के नीचे आपको Answer का लिंक मिल जाएगा जिस पर आपको click करना है|
Assignment Answer के सभी PDF कैसे डाउनलोड करें:
इस आर्टिकल के लास्ट में आपको सभी सब्जेक्ट की लिस्ट दी जाएगी और उन्हीं के सामने पीडीएफ का link आप को दिया जाएगा।जिससे कि सभी बच्चे आसानी से सभी विषयों की असाइनमेंट के उत्तर डाउनलोड कर सकेंगे।
All answers are listed below
1.) Questions and Answers
Q(a) Why did Swaminathan reacted as being deaf to the question that the head master was putting to him ?Ans :-Swaminathan reacted to being deaf because the headmaster was a furious man. He was giving hard punishments to the boys over small excuses.
The headmaster lined up the boys who were absent and started asking them the reasons. Swaminathan kept quiet because he had no reason and did not want to be punished again.
The headmaster lined up the boys who were absent and started asking them the reasons. Swaminathan kept quiet because he had no reason and did not want to be punished again.
Q(b) What was the mood of the headmaster when he entered the class?
Ans:- The head master had entered the class with a look of anger that had flushed his face and a hard ominous look.
He was keen on punishing the children who were behaving badly and were mischievous in nature.
Swami who was a 10 year old boy was one of them.
The headmaster gave them a lecture where he recited out all the things that they had done the previous day and gave them a lecture to improve their behavior.
He was keen on punishing the children who were behaving badly and were mischievous in nature.
Swami who was a 10 year old boy was one of them.
The headmaster gave them a lecture where he recited out all the things that they had done the previous day and gave them a lecture to improve their behavior.
2.) Fill in the blanks using correct alternatives
(a) The sky is overcast. It ____ rain.
Ans:- may
(b) We ____ hurry. We are very late for School.
Ans:- Must
(c) He is working hard so that he ____ stand first in the class.(could, should, would)
Ans:- could
(d) Children -----to obey their parents. (may, should, ought)
Ans:- ought
(e) He ____ not insult me. (dare, may, much)
Ans:- dare
(f) My grandmother is 65 years old but she still____read without glasses.
Ans:- can
Ans:- may
(b) We ____ hurry. We are very late for School.
Ans:- Must
(c) He is working hard so that he ____ stand first in the class.(could, should, would)
Ans:- could
(d) Children -----to obey their parents. (may, should, ought)
Ans:- ought
(e) He ____ not insult me. (dare, may, much)
Ans:- dare
(f) My grandmother is 65 years old but she still____read without glasses.
Ans:- can
3.) Essay Writing
Today, Corona virus is all over the news. Covid -19 hit us by surprise and consumed us with in months. Nobody predicted that it would kill so many people, force countries to lock down, shut schools, colleges and public places and put our life on life hold.
Meaning of Corona virus:
Today, Corona virus is all over the news. Covid -19 hit us by surprise and consumed us with in months. Nobody predicted that it would kill so many people, force countries to lock down, shut schools, colleges and public places and put our life on life hold.
Meaning of Corona virus:
The new corona views, the 7th known to affect humans, has been named Covid 19. The coronavirus family causes Illness ranging from the common cold to more Suive disease such as SARS and MERS. They can be transmitted between animals and humans.
Origin of Corona virus:
Origin of Corona virus:
The outbreak of covid 19 is pandemic Covid 19 was first identified during December 2012 in Wuhan city of china. Coxid 19 is thought to have originated in a seafood market where wildlife was sold illegally. scientists have painted to Either bats or snakes as possible sources.
Steps for prevention of covid-19:
Steps for prevention of covid-19:
The WHO recommends basic hygiene such as regularly washing hands with soap water and covering your mouth with your elbow when sneezing or coughing. Maintain "Social keeping" at least 1.8 metres (Six feet) between and distancing" your self and others. particularly if they coughing are and sneezing and avoid touching your Eyes and mouth with dirty hands.
The covid 19 has stopped the whole would It is necessary that we come out from this situation as early as possible. We all must follow the lockdown rules. Maintain a good hygiene. Together, we all can bring an end to the pandemic.
The covid 19 has stopped the whole would It is necessary that we come out from this situation as early as possible. We all must follow the lockdown rules. Maintain a good hygiene. Together, we all can bring an end to the pandemic.
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